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конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 03.02.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 03.02.2020
  дата объявления результатов: 02.03.2020
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $10 до $20
  награда: пять призов по $200
  организатор: GoArchitect LLC
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Trees Trees Trees! Design Competition
  Участникам предстоит поразмышлять о том, как средствами дизайна увеличить количество зеленых насаждений на планете. Разработанные проекты должны либо побуждать к высадке деревьев, либо способствовать этому процессу, делать его более простым и понятным. Идеи должны быть реализуемыми, не фантастическими.
As you may know, things aren't going too well for mother earth. With challenges like deforestation, fires, pollution, and even methane from cows we are facing an uphill battle against climate change.

One of the simplest, and possibly most effective, methods to reverse the damage is to plant trees, billions of them. According to the respected Science Journal, "The restoration of forested land at a global scale could help capture atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change."

This is no easy task and will require hundreds of millions of people to plant trees in their front yards, backyards, patios, open land, businesses, cities, and perhaps even rooftops. Rather than waiting on governments to take action, we can begin to form a cultural change across the planet that values trees and takes an active role in their creation.

The challenge is, how do we encourage people to do this? We don't all live on land where we can plant a tree. So do we do nothing? Functional and beautiful design could be an answer. We need more out of the planters, pots, and other ways to grow trees. We need them to be smart, sexy, inexpensive, adaptive, and more.

Bringing trees to the urban and suburban places where people live is a pressing global health issue and an intriguing design challenge.

This is your challenge, create a functional, beautiful, and inexpensive product that will encourage people and cities to grow more trees.

We know this is a very unusual design challenge so we have brainstormed some possible areas of exploration: seating, play, food, children, storage, protection, lighting, technology, recycled materials, transportation, education, biking, art, internet, air quality, water management, desert life, animal habitats, bees, money, business, living, work, roofing, etc.

This design competition is focused on how we may develop real solutions to the need to plant more trees in urban and suburban areas. This is not a fantasy competition.


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