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Будущее виллы Реале в Монце

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 30.09.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 30.09.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  город: Монца
  открыт для: архитекторов, проектировщиков; индивидуальных участников и команд
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: пять призов по €1000
  организатор: Triennale di Milano
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Recovery and renovation of the Villa Reale in Monza
  Королевская вилла в Монце, объект исключительной исторической, культурной и ландшафтной ценности, на протяжении нескольких десятилетий подвергается ремонтам и усовершенствованиям. В этом конкурсе задача пойти дальше и предложить не просто проект восстановления архитектурного облика, но и стратегию развития и возможной трансформации виллы, которая обеспечила бы сохранность и востребованность ценной постройки, а также смогла оправдать расходы на ее содержание.
The Royal Villa of Monza is an asset of exceptional historical, cultural and landscape importance, a one-of-a-kind asset. The Villa is at the heart of a complex which includes two other historic villas - Mirabello and Mirabellino - thirty-five buildings of rural origin, three mills, a Formula 1 racetrack, a river, a system of irrigation ditches and a vast park of over 730 hectares which houses around 110,000 trees including several monumental trees in what is the largest enclosed park in Europe. It is a collective heritage not only for Monza but also for Lombardy and Italy as a whole.

The Villa, together with the Park of Monza, has already undergone major works in the past decades for its maintenance and enhancement. The willingness to manage this complex system in an organic, unified manner to enable it to be properly used is the basis of the establishment in 2009 of the Consorzio Villa Reale e Parco di Monza (the "Consortium"), an association of bodies and institutions that led not only to the renovation of many indoor environments but also to the launch in 2014 of a series of activities open to the public such as exhibitions, events and guided tours.

Today, in an era in which cultural tourism offer is increasingly broad and diversified, it is necessary to reflect on the role and functions that the Villa must play as a cultural institution also and above all in relationship with the area it is located in, the park that surrounds it and the Autodromo (racetrack), the latter already covered by a medium-long term recovery program.

Five years after the completion of the restoration of the central corpus, aimed at the recovery and enhancement of the historic rooms on the Piano Nobile floors and the Belvedere (lookout) it is vital for Villa Reale to develop a strategy of national and international level repositioning of the Vila in the contemporary urban, economic and artistic context.

The relaunch of the Villa requires initiatives of international scale capable of developing a cultural, artistic and tourist offer at the service of the territory and capable of withstanding most of the huge management costs.

For this purpose, in the context of a broader program of relaunch and repositioning actions, Triennale Milano, with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, MonzaBrianza and Lodi is 3 repositioning a program that involves the promotion of an international competition for ideas aimed at urban planners, architects, business managers, communicators, designers, engineers, makers, economists, sociologists, anthropologists and people with various other backgrounds for the renovation of Villa Reale in Monza.

The main purpose of this call for proposals is to define the strategies, projects and actions aimed at sustainable enhancement of Villa Reale.

Participants in the call are asked to prepare and submit an indicative and suggestive vision and project of the transformation processes that Villa Reale will undergo that takes into account the peculiarities of the building and the functional and usage needs of the area, defining an innovative and sustainable programme that can also develop and implement synergies with the other sectors of the Villa system.

Sustainability must bring together the following three aspects:
- environment (preservation of natural, landscape and cultural heritage);
- history/culture (cultural promotion and enhancement of the historic-artistic heritage);
- economy (identification of ways of managing the structures that guarantee economic sustainability, including all the initiatives aimed at granting access to the community).

Although this is an independent procedure, the object of this open call is in connection and in synergy with the objectives of the Program Agreement, approved on December 22nd 2017, which provides for the definition of a Masterplan for the enhancement of the monumental complex " Villa Reale and Parco di Monza". With this initiative it is required to develop quality proposals and design suggestions capable of representing a valid enhancement model to support public actors (Lombardy Region, Municipality of Milan and Municipality of Monza, together with the Villa Reale Consortium and Parco di Monza) engaged in the re-launch of the whole complex, placing it at the center of a wider process of urban regeneration of the territory in which it is inserted.


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