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Общественный центр в Лиме

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 14.11.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 14.11.2019
  дата объявления результатов: 05.12.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Перу
  город: Лима
  открыт для: молодых архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €50 до €90
  награда: I место - €1000 + реализация проекта; II место - €700; III место - €300
  организатор: DNADD
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  GAtogeTHER - a new community center in Lima
  Конкурсантам предстоит спроектировать общественный центр для Сан-Хуан-де-Луриганчо, одного из самых бедных и густонаселенных районов Лимы. Цель – создать пространство для общения и взаимодействия, отдыха, учебы и работы. Здание должно быть легковозводимым – предполагается построить его силами волонтеров за четыре дня. Победитель конкурса получит возможность принять участие в воплощении своей идеи в жизнь.
We climb an endless number of steps until we meet clusters of enormous rocks. Where the stairs come to an end, paths traced between the rocks start, until they disappear and every way fades and gets invisible. We are climbing the tops of San Juan de Lurigancho.

Such a district is Lima’s and Peru’s most populated one, with 1.038.495 million inhabitants and one of the three poorest in the metropolitan area of Lima. At present, more than half the population of San Juan de Lurigancho live in human informal settlements causing the dramatic increase in its population. Such areas have been shaped to become invisible. However, they still are quite clearly seen and not even included in future spatial planning.

The 76% of the informal settlements have at least one form of community organization to face their difficulties. Unfortunately, even though are characterised by a strong community organisation, they lack a place to gather: a communal space where pose the basis for their growth.

Techo is a nonprofit organization that, through the collaborative work of families living in extreme poverty with volunteers, seeks to overcome poverty in informal settlements. DNADD and Techo share the same mission: build a new community development center. Provide San Juan de Lurigancho’s inhabitants with a place to gather, where they can finally be able to work, study, play and, above all, share.

Participants should develop  a new community centre, able to constitute the reference point for the inhabitants. It’s around this new centre that people will organise their collective while trying to improve the settlements where they live.
The community centre will be mainly used as a place for gathering and interactions between neighbours.  Besides, it will be the theatre of different activities and, hence, it will constitute a changing environment, able to adapt to the needs of its users.

Young volunteers will build the project over 4 days.


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