Design Competition for Ecological and Leisure-cultural Waterfront Space in Seoul International District
Конкурс проводится с целью выбора проекта развития прибрежной территории в строящемся районе Сеула – Seoul International District. Здесь планируется создать культурно-развлекательное пространство, уделив особое внимание экологическим проблемам выбранного участка. Конкурс пройдет в два этапа. Первый – квалификационный отбор. На втором семь команд-финалистов займутся работой над проектами.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to organize the International Invited Design Competition for the Ecological and Leisure-cultural Waterfront Space in Seoul International District in an effort to create a leisure-cultural waterfront space along Tancheon Stream and Han River within the Seoul International District.
As the first stage of this design competition, we invite applicants to submit their Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the shortlisting process.
We look forward to a wide array of professionals (individuals or firms) participating in the call for applicants to the International Invited Design Competition for Ecological and Leisure-cultural Waterfront Space in Seoul International District.