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Улица - пространство для игры

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.08.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 25.08.2019
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Канада
  город: Виннипег
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: 1000 канадских долларов на реализацию проекта
  организатор: Winnipeg Design Festival
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  PLAY_STREET competition
  Конкурс проводится в рамках Фестиваля дизайна в Виннипеге. Участникам нужно предложить варианты детских и семейных игровых площадок, которые могли бы оживить улицы города и разнообразить досуг его жителей. Лучшие предложения будут реализованы. Бюджет на реализацию – 1000 канадских долларов.
PLAY_STREET is an OPEN international ideas competition to re-imagine the urban street as a play space. The challenge of the competition is to design or plot a set of playful and performative activities that claims the street as a public space, a PLAY space.

PLAY_STREET is an official program of the 2019 Winnipeg Design Festival and is OPEN to all designers and creatives. The entrants are invited to imagine, script and illustrate a temporary PLAY-logistics and or PLAY-gears for the STREET. The design can involve gears and apparatuses that are newly designed or repurposed, and may include simple rules and or ‘game-like’ logistics: ‘how-to-play’.

Up to FIVE winning PLAY will be installed in an urban street/alley to transform the space as a play street. The PLAY will be open to the public to PLAY during the festival.

Eligibility | Who can enter: OPEN, anyone can submit

Design criteria | Points to consider:

PLAY: to be simple, fun, intuitive and imaginative.
PLAY: can be a new conception or a re-imagination of an existing play (i.e. street hockey)
GEARS: can involve re-purposing of existing gears (i.e. bats, seesaws) or new conceptions.
PLAYER: children, adults, or both.
PLAYER: Multi-player (more than one) PLAY is preferred.
SPECTATORS: ‘Fun-to-watch’ PLAY to be considered.
SAFETY: All aspects of the PLAY must be safe and appropriate for all ages.

APPLICATION: PLAY_STREET will be installed in a specific site during WDF 2019. Entrants are encouraged to imagine a PLAY that could also be played in other urban street conditions.

BUDGET/FABRICATION: affordable and easy-to-set up PLAY  imagination is encouraged. For the purpose of realization at the WDF 2019, up to CD$1,000 + in kind fabrication/material will be assigned per selected PLAY. The curators of WDF 2019 will work with the winning teams to refine the final scope of the budget and the fabrication.


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