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Роботизированный фармацевтический склад

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 04.11.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 04.11.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: главный приз - €4000
  организатор: Pharmathek
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Robotic Storage Design Competition
  Компания Pharmathek находится в поисках новой конструкции корпуса роботизированного склада Sintesi, который используется в аптеках для хранения лекарств. Склад Sintesi – модульный, его можно адаптировать под любое помещение. Проекты должны быть пригодными для массового производства.
Pharmathek is looking for the new design of the case of the Sintesi robotized warehouse and of the automatic loader Pharmaload, installed inside the pharmacies and developed to facilitate the pharmacist and her/his collaborators in the daily management of the medicines and their data.

For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:

Product typology: the object of the contest is the case, that is the external enclosure, that covers the internal components of the Sintesi robotized warehouse and of the Pharmaload automatic loader. A peculiar feature of the robotized warehouse is its modular structure that enables to adapt it to the various contexts of installation, thanks to its modules and its customisable dimensions.

How to use: the robotized warehouse enables the pharmacist and her/his collaborators to manage the medicines and their data, in an easy and automated way. In particular, there are four main modalities:
- Phase of medicine delivery for selling purposes: the pharmacist, through the pharmacy management software, sends the request to the warehouse for the products to be automatically collected by the robot and delivered to one of the delivery doors accessible to the operators;
- Phase of medicine delivery for warehouse management purposes: the operator sends the request from her/his position for the robot to automatically collect the medicine from the warehouse and deliver it at the dedicated exit service hatch, that constitutes the point of delivery;
- Assisted loading: the operator uses the dedicated scanner to read the product and places it on the conveyor belt, outside the hatch door for inserting the medicines. After verifying that the dimensions of the product match the target size, the warehouse opens the hatch door and moves the belt taking the product inside; then, the robot will automatically store it;
- Automatic loading (through Pharmaload): the operator pours the products to store in the hopper of the automatic loader and Pharmaload will provide automatically to identify, measure and take the products inside the warehouse where the robot will autonomously provide for their storage.

For more information on the functioning of the robotized warehouse, you may have a look at the following videos (video 1 and video 2 ).

Where to use: thanks to its modularity, the Sintesi robotized warehouse is able to adapt to any type and size of pharmacy, enabling the installation either on the back counter or in a separated room, either on the same level or at a higher or lower storey.

Dimensions: for the purpose of the contest, keep into consideration a standard warehouse measuring 4m in length, 2,5m in height and 1,43m in width. The dimensions will be customised based on the client needs, as better illustrated in the layout attached in the Material files.

Materials: the panels that constitute the external enclosure of the robotized warehouse may be realised in metal, wood or derivates, glass, plastics, even alternating different types of panels in order to offer a greater customisation for the pharmacist. Always keep into consideration a view of product industrialisation, avoiding processes or solutions not compatible with mass production.


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