Конкурс предлагает подумать над решением проблемы большого количества пустующих крупных спортивных объектов, построенных для международных соревнований и впоследствии редко используемых. Участникам предстоит спроектировать стадион нового поколения для французского города Монпелье, функционал которого был бы максимально разнообразным и полностью оправдывал дорогостоящее строительство.
Since the origin of the Olympics in 1896, sports events have gained massive popularity worldwide. These events are big for all countries and a matter of great pride and responsibility for the host nation. It gives the host a chance to reflect upon their cultural values & promote tourism. Huge sums of public money is invested in organizing these events, out of which a major chunk is invested in preparing the venues for sports events to be witnessed by a global audience.
To cater to a larger audience, the scale of venues for major sports events like Olympics, commonwealth events is magnificent which require a large investment of public money. However, this becomes a massive issue, majorly in developing regions. The limited usage of such buildings after the event adds a layer of an issue in name of maintenance cost. These structures often become a liability for a host. Historically, a large number of such venues were demolished to reuse the land which may not the most ideal way to deal with public resources.
The challenge is to design a concept stadium for international events in a small city, such that the setup could be used/reused for many purposes beyond sports. The sheer culmination of many facilities and building services makes a stadiums an ideal box to serve many functions beyond sports. Eg. A public space, or a Market or a Fitness park, and many many more such examples. The multi-use perspective is seen in a time span of decades where a stadium might sit idle for more than half a year.