Участникам необходимо разработать прототип микрожилья, способного содействовать решению проблемы перенаселения и нехватки земли в современных городах. Место для предполагаемого строительства можно выбрать на свое усмотрение. Главное – создать условия для действительно комфортного проживания, несмотря на отсутствие больших площадей.
Since the dawn of living beings on the planet, shelter has been an imperative requirement for survival against the rough weathers and predators, for animals and humans alike. From caves to plans of building houses on other planets, the idea of dwelling has come a long way.
Housing is one of the most basic needs of humankind for survival and this topic has been vehemently discussed in the last few decades, especially in the urban context. Today, across the globe, we are experiencing a rise in densely populated urban areas, along with a lack of land resources to provide sufficient housing for the masses. This phenomenon has also resulted in the growth of informal housing units in the cities.
These undesirable conditions in the urban housing scenario have given birth to the idea of Micro Housing; an idea that encourages making innovative use of limited floor space to its maximum potential for the residents. Designers are now coming up with various, inventive solutions to solve the persistent issue of ‘space crunch’ in cities to provide the basic requirement of housing to as many people as possible.