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Архитектура для еды - приглашение к участию в воркшопе

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 19.07.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 19.07.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  город: Болонья
  открыт для: молодых архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: €50
  организатор: YACademy
  ссылки: Страница воркшопа>>>
  Architecture for Food
  Образовательная программа «Архитектура для еды» пройдет в Болонье с 23 сентября по 11 ноября. Участников ждут теоретические занятия, воркшоп, лекции известных архитекторов. Отбор осуществляется на конкурсной основе. Всего планируется пригласить 25 слушателей, 8 из них получат стипендию (полная стоимость курса €2450). По окончании программы у участников будет возможность пройти стажировку в одном из предложенных архитектурных бюро.
The main character of tv shows, cultural events, and festivals, the undisputed ruler of social media, food has become more than just simple nourishment.

In the contemporary world, food means history, identity, the memory of place and people’s tradition of which the cooks have become the new guardians. They became guru, role models, real leading stars of the cultural and communicative contemporary scene.

If the cooks are superstars, their stage is the kitchen and their audience sits in dining rooms. In this complex ecosystem, architecture plays a fundamental role by being the frame of the great enogastronomic miracle of our time.

For similar reasons, in Bologna - the cradle of the Italian enograstronomic tradition - the first and most important course in Architecture for Food is launched: a training course of excellence, created to train designers to understand both the numerous technical instances essential for food processing, and the different formal necessities required to design the right space for each specific enogastronomic experience.

Ranging from the knowledge of organizational features of a kitchen to the study of different food branding strategies, the course proposes an in-depth study of technical and compositional fundamental topics to guarantee the affirmation of a restaurant, franchisings or a product line. The course will be made up of 102 hours of lessons, a 30-hour workshop and numerous special lectures held by well-renowned professionals.


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