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SkyCity 2019 - жилье будущего

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.10.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 01.10.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Китай
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд - $14 000
  организатор: SKYCITY
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  SkyCity Challenge 19: The Future of Housing
  Конкурс посвящен проектированию сборных домов будущего. Это должны быть здания, которые легко монтировать и демонтировать. Также среди критериев оценки: стоимость, энергоэффективность, экологичность, эстетика. В проектах обязательно применение материала BCORE.
  В международном конкурсе идей SkyCity отмечено сразу три российских работы, 09.12.2019
We want you to design a home that can be dismantled after a time period and used again as if it were just simple prefab modular pieces (eg. LEGO® or IKEA®). A home made out of ready-made slabs which together form a simple disassemblable set. We want you to design this system partially out of BCORE (a special stainless steel material). The pieces must  be easily transportable using traditional shipping containers which when flat-packed can fit into a 2.43m (8ft) wide, 2.59m (8.5ft) high and 12.2m (40ft) long shipping container and assemblable anywhere on our planet by the use of a small crew with equipment.

You can situate your project in any kind of environment on any location around our planet, however we need you to design your set fully or at least partially out of BCORE. Broad group developed this material exactly for this purpose and we believe that currently it is the most firm, specialized and sustainable building material allowing us to build almost any type of building.  Since we are planning to develop this modular home with the future winning team, we are focused on finding the most convincing and technologically sophisticated building set for the housing of the future!

Remember, we are inviting you not just to design a simple home but a whole construction set that will form a future startup, which will be operating worldwide. Our goal in the future is being able to ship our housing set around the globe to anyone in need.


The CTS Slab (Core Tubular Steel) is the technical term for the prefabricated panels made out of BCORE. The parts of a CTS Slab are prefabricated in the factory and installed on site, which greatly reduces assembly time unlike concrete constructions, thus freeing the construction site from dust, noise and waste. The structures made out of CTS slabs have the advantage of energy conservation, earthquake resistance, long service life and can be completely recycled.


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