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Город и электронные отходы

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 30.10.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 09.11.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $20 до $100
  награда: I место - $750; II место - $250
  организатор: competitions.UNI
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Envent - E-waste is not waste anymore
  Конкурс предлагает поразмышлять на тему утилизации электронных отходов – мобильных телефонов и других гаджетов, количество которых с каждым годом увеличивается. Фантазия участников не ограничена – можно, к примеру, предложить варианты использования исправно функционирующих устройств или их запчастей для городского благоустройства, а можно попытаться создать структуру по приему и переработке такого «мусора».
Mobile phone technology is growing by leaps and bounds, in an exponential curve so steep that what could not have been possible a couple of years back turns into a feature we just cannot live without today. Our cellphones have become beyond smart - perhaps even intuitive - from sensing when we wake up to how many steps we have walked on a particular day to our favorite hangout spots in the city, they seem to know it all. But have you wondered what happens to our old cell phones when we discard them for a newer and better model?

While solving each problem in a city individually might seem far fetched and not viable economically, Can we designers, think of systems that cross through these different problems and solve them in a productive way? Perhaps systems, where the outcomes of one problem can be solutions for another - such as can e-waste, provide us the necessary configurations to not only reduce the discarded electronics but to provide solutions to other urban issues as well?

Most discarded cell phones are still in perfect working condition and contain a plethora of components- motion, light, sound, camera, magnetic field, e-gyroscope and a lot more. Can these sensors be used collectively or individually, in an innovative way, to tackle real-world urban problems in our present day cities?


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