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Убежище для души

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 14.06.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 12.07.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Южная Корея
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: $10 000
  организатор: KIA (Korean Institute of Architects)
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Shelter for Soul Competition
  Слово «убежище» чаще всего ассоциируется с экстренным размещением жертв стихийных бедствий или военных конфликтов, и миссия убежища – восстановить физические силы пострадавших. Организаторы же этого конкурса предлагают создать убежище для души – место, где можно обрести эмоциональный комфорт, а не физический. Чаще всего в этом нуждаются представители разного рода социальных меньшинств. Конструкция должна быть рассчитана на «укрытие» одного человека.
The Korean Institute of Architects (KIA) is pleased to announce Shelter for Soul Campaign and Shelter for Soul International Design & Installation Competition. Shelter for Soul Campaign gets inspiration from various types of social minorities around us. This campaign is to care not only on a physical level of the social minority, but also on the soul level of the group around our community.

We believe that an architect group and artist group can initiate and conduct this mission efficiently. The main goal of this competition is to provide an opportunity for the public and student to understand the situation of the less-cared in our community and to interact with social groups who are concerned with those who desperately seek for a ‘shelter’ around us. To present a soul shelter for one, which comes the spirit of care and gives identity of each person, will be the expression of affirmation and an action of love.  
“Everybody wants, rich or poor, not only a warm dry room, but a shelter for the soul.” This is what Samuel Mockbee's legacy (1944 -2001, awarded the AIA Gold Medal in 2004, who dedicated his life as an architect, as a social reformer)
Under this motivation for the less-cared in contemporary society throughout the world, the Korean Institute of Architects plans to host the “Shelter for Soul International Design & Installation Competition”. This Competition aims at exploring design and interpretations about the concept of ‘shelter’. Shelter has basically two meanings: one is “refugee place” and the other is “rest place”. As a shelter generally refers to an emergency gathering place for the victims of disasters, we ask our applicants to go further in their understanding, towards emotional comfort, beyond physical function.

The process of shelter design is to be made in three steps: the first step is to look around and find a specific marginalized group(social minority) nearby one’s community; the second step is identifying what is most needed and what is a suitable design for an individual member of this minority; and the last step is to finalize design based on their overall circumstances. After  choosing finalists, this work will be installed in an appropriate place for the individual. The final decision process will take place in September of this September. Upon the Jury’s decision, the selected projects will be exhibited as a panel presentation in an indoor gallery precedently, and then the works selected showing the second round will be chosen and installed outdoor nearby Seoul Station so that the public can easily access and appreciate it together.

We would like to have the opportunity to make a better world by getting along with you and your pursuit through this campaign in the Archi-Tect’s (Front-Builder) philosophy.


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