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Архитектурный музей в Берлине

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.06.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 20.06.2019
  дата объявления результатов: 25.07.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Берлин
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 12 мая - € 90,75; с 13 мая по 9 июня - €121,00
  награда: для студентов: I место - €1500, II место - €700, III место - €300; для молодых архитекторов: I место - €1500
  организатор: ARCHmedium
  ссылки: Официальная страница конкурса
  Очередной конкурс идей от ARCHmedium посвящен архитектуре Берлина. На протяжении многих веков Берлин был одним из основных свидетелей величайших культурных, религиозных и политических преобразований в Европе. Богатое наследие города позволяет проследить – через улицы, памятники и здания – историю целого континента. Сегодня участникам нужно представить, каким может быть берлинский музей, основная миссия которого будет заключаться в накоплении и распространении знаний об архитектуре. Он должен стать не просто культурной институцией, но многогранной площадкой, пробуждающей критический дух. Музей напомнит о том, что архитектура и урбанистика – это дело каждого гражданина. Принять участие могут студенты (бакалавры, получившие степень не более трех лет назад, или действующие магистранты и аспиранты), а также молодые архитекторы, окончившие вуз не более 10 лет назад.
Berlin has been a main witness of the greatest cultural, religious, political and artistic transfor­mations of Europe throughout the centuries and its architectural and urban heritage allow us to revisit through its streets, monuments and buildings the convulsive history of this continent. From its origins in the middle Ages it has witnessed the raise of the Prussian Empire and its collapse after the First World War, its resurgence as the Weimar Republic and later the formation of the III Reich. It has seen the horrors of World War II, occupied and divided by a shameful wall for almost 30 years and later, after its fall, it has experienced the reunification of a country to finally establish itself as the most important capital of Europe.

The buildings of Berlin are a good portrait of the main western artistic and architectural periods, from its Romanesque churches, through its Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque cathedrals, its Clas­sicist civil architecture, the Jugendstil buildings, the Bauhaus and Werkbund jewels to the postwar architecture , deconstructivism and all the contemporary experiments.

In ARCHmedium we think that given the immense value of the architectural and urban heritage of Berlin, a museum dedicated to these disciplines will have a special value. Its main mission will be to spread the architectural culture, transmit, generate knowledge and support the architectural quality of the city. It is intended to create a polyhedral space that awakens the critical spirit so that citizens become active characters in the architectural and urban debate of the future.


The museum should become a landmark for the art of constructing and conceiving the cities, it will be a means to raise awareness about the architectural heritage and will have a clear didactic purpose aimed at all audiences, both for those seeking an initiation in the subject or for those who want to deepen their professional knowledge. The museum will offer different views of architecture in different eras, cultures and places with special emphasis on Modern Architecture, it will revisit the history from the Classical period until present day helping to contextualize our built heritage and seeking to explain how it was conceived what makes it so special. Its exhibitions will delve into the architectural patrimony through transversal narratives about housing, public buildings, construction techniques and all active actors in the making of architecture and urbanism.

The museum will also be configured as a Hub in which architecture students from different schools can go to work and share their ideas with all the necessary spaces and equipment (model rooms, printing, etc) and a large library and archive. The Museum will raise awareness to the fact that architecture and urbanism are everyone’s business, it will help to better understanding society and its evolution over time and will be presented as a tool to think about the challenges we face today: demographic pressure, the growth of cities, the evolution of family models and their impact on housing, environmental pressure related to climate change, the creation of new cities and sustainable development. 


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