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Глаза города

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 31.05.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 31.05.2019
  дата объявления результатов: 01.06.2019
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Китай
  город: Шэньчжэнь
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  сумма: нет
  организатор: Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB)
Кураторы: Карло Ратти, Микеле Бонино, Фабио Кавалуччи, Сунь Иминь
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Eyes of the City
  Конкурс проходит в рамках Биеннале урбанистики и архитектуры (UABB). Архитекторам, проектировщикам, дизайнерам, а также ученым, философам и мыслителям предлагается разработать проект для главной экспозиции UABB в Шэньчжэне. На конкурс принимаются дизайн-проекты, исследовательские работы и критические эссе на тему «Глаза города». Секцию курирует Карло Ратти и Туринский политехнический университет.

Раньше глазами города были его жители, теперь способность «видеть» приобрело архитектурное пространство – благодаря развитию искусственного интеллекта и технологии глубокого обучения. Как новый сценарий повлияет на поведение горожан? Как могут градостроители и простые граждане использовать возможность сбора данных в реальном времени? Каковы этические последствия процессов, инициируемых искусственным интеллектом? На эти и другие вопросы в своих работах должны ответить участники конкурса.
Almost half a century later, we find ourselves at the inception of a new chapter in the relationship between the city and digital technologies, which calls for a reexamination of the old idea of the “eyes on the street.” In the next few years, thanks to the most recent advances in Artificial Intelligence, deep learning and imaging, we are about to reach an unprecedented scenario, the most radical development in the evolution of the Internet-of-Things: architectural space is acquiring the full ability to “see.” Imagine that any room, street or shop in our city can recognize you, and autonomously respond to your presence. With the “eyes on the street,” it was people who looked at other people or the city and interpreted its mechanisms. In this new scenario, it will not be just people but also buildings and streets themselves that acquire the ability to observe and react as urban life unfolds in front of them. After the “eyes on the street,” we are now entering the era of the “Eyes of the City.”

In her original conceptualization, Jacobs used the “eyes of the street” as a tool to dissect a series of key spatial concepts – from the distinction between private and public space, to the limits of urban anonymity, to how borders are expressed and constructed, to the value of safety and the sense of belonging. Tomorrow’s “Eyes of the City,” fueled by historical breakthroughs in AI, from facial recognition to natural language processing, compels us to challenge all of these concepts, while also addressing novel issues – factors like the ethics of technological agency, the meaning of urban observation and design by proxy, the power of data ownership, and the ways in which technology can be re-appropriated by individuals and communities.
What can the consequences of the “Eyes of the City” scenario be on the built environment and on the way people live it? The “Eyes of the City” exhibition at UABB will ask exhibitors to tackle these themes, while focusing on two parallel relationships: the one between space and users and the one between space and design practices, as the latter change under the pressure of technological advancement.

With the “Eyes of the City” Open Call, our objective is to gather proposals that can help frame the discussion around one or more of these issues:

1. How will the new technological scenario change people’s behavior in the city? How will this articulate the relation between human body and urban space?
2. How can communities interact with and re-appropriate new technology?
3. How do design practices evolve in this context? What is the relation between creativity and increasing automation?
4. What are the most relevant spatial, social and ethical consequences of innovation processes driven by AI?
5. How can designers and citizens harness the power of real-time data in novel ways– especially to foster architecture’s ability to respond to people’s needs?

At the “Eyes of the City” exhibition in UABB 2019, we aim to collect hypotheses and suggestions – imaginative, ironic, practical, visionary – so as to reflect on what kind of city we want to build tomorrow.


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