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Конкурс летней школы Hello Wood 2019

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 21.04.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.04.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Венгрия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Hello Wood summer school
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Carnival - Hello Wood Summer School 2019
  В этом году на конкурс принимаются проекты смелые архитектурные проекты, которые можно будет объединить под темой «Карнавал». Лучшие идеи будут реализованы в рамках летней школы Hello Wood в Венгрии. К участию в конкурсе приглашаются архитекторы и дизайнеры, а студенты могут подать заявку на участие в самой школе.
связанные события:

Конкурс летней школы Hello Wood 2018
At this year’s 2019 jubilee festival, we’ll be bidding farewell to this incredibly productive period in order to make way for even bigger initiatives as we collectively create a community of builders that spans continents (Builders Society).

We are saying goodbye to the past ten years with a huge carnival, thus paving the way to our future. Carnival fits our needs perfectly, since it is fundamentally an act of both farewell and greeting. Let’s stop and take some time to celebrate!

The theme of this year’s summer school arises from individually identified architectural issues which themselves are manifested in the installations. These should boldly and subjectively raise professional awareness, and you will determine their theme and justifications. However many projects there are, that’s how many architectural themes, declarations and statements there will be.

​There is a professional issue which you care about and which you’d like to draw attention to. This is where you first propose, execute and celebrate your architectural creed, straightforwardly, charismatically, but with humility. That’s what our architectural carnival is all about!

  • What are the themes and the challenges that the builders will have to confront in the coming period?
  • As a builder and creator, what do you suppose you will have to pay attention to?
  • Below are a few suggestions which we hope you’ll find inspiring. Answer, or make new suggestions!
This year, we’re more open than ever to creating our architectural project concepts with the involvement of various related trades. Bring your friends into the planning process, whether they are dancers, performance artists, designers, actors or musicians. Create diverse groups, and plan a performative presentation to go along with the installation design


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