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Резидентская программа академии Шлосс-Солитюд

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 30.04.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 30.04.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Штутгарт
  открыт для: молодых специалистов (до 35 лет), а также специалистов, окончивших вуз не более 5 лет назад
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Akademie Schloss Solitude
  ссылки: Официальная страница программы
  Akademie Schloss Solitude Fellowship program 2020–2021
  Академия Шлосс-Солитюд ежегодно проводит конкурсный отбор на участие в междисциплинарной программе художников-резидентов. Эта образовательная программа позволяет молодым архитекторам, дизайнерам, художникам, писателям, музыкантам и представителям других творческих профессий обмениваться опытом и заниматься совместными исследовательскими проектами. Помимо собственно участия в программе, успешным кандидатам полагаются стипендия, оплата проживания и транспортных расходов и т.д.
Akademie Schloss Solitude is happy to announce its 17th call for applications for its international and interdisciplinary artist-in-residence-program.

The name Akademie Schloss Solitude unites the belief in artistic, scientific, and societal exchange with the notion of a refuge, a credo which underlays the construction of the Schloss Solitude from the very beginning. Residencies at Akademie Schloss Solitude enable fellows to devote themselves to their research projects under favorable material and intellectual conditions. For them, the Akademie Schloss Solitude becomes a transdisciplinary learning unit, a platform for communal learning outside the formal educational system, a place which is open to a broader and more diverse public. By experimenting with artistic research practices and new formats, the Akademie aims to change societal processes and to stimulate intergenerational discourse.

More than 1,400 artists from more than 120 countries have developed and advanced projects at the Akademie since its opening in 1990, creating a close-knit, global network of Solitude alumni that expands from year to year. It is essential for the self-conception of Akademie Schloss Solitude that fellows of all spheres of practice are enabled to work and research free of daily pressures and presentation deadlines. Besides the realization of numerous public events, the online platform Schlosspost allows international visibility of fellows and their projects.

International artists and scientists are invited to apply from the following spheres of practice: VISUAL (visual arts and media), AURAL & PHYSICAL (music and performing arts), DIGITAL (digital art, gaming, digital journalism, digital publishing), SPATIAL (architecture and design), TEXTUAL (literature and language),
​SOCIETAL (education, ​mediation, theory), SCIENTIFIC (humanities, social, natural and economic sciences.)

For the first time in its 30-year history, Akademie Schloss Solitude is expanding its profile with the addition of a thematic call. In cooperation with KfW Stiftung, Akademie Schloss Solitude is launching the new program with the specific content-related focus »Mutations«. To foster transdisciplinary and transcultural dialogue between the arts, sciences and society, young professionals from all fields are invited to engage in this topic in a focused group conversation. The 9-month program aims to encourage critical reflection and artistic production as well as encounters across disciplines.


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