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Образовательно-инновационный центр в Триполи

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 18.03.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.06.2019
  дата объявления результатов: 28.06.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Ливия
  город: Триполи
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Lebanese Federation of Engineers and Architects
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Knowledge and Innovation Center (KIC)
  Цель конкурса – выбрать лучший проект для бизнес-кластера в свободной экономической зоне Триполи. Здесь должны появиться представительства ливийских и зарубежных компаний и общественных организаций, филиалы университетов, бизнес-инкубатор и т.д. От конкурсантов требуется разработать генеральный план территории площадью 60 000 м² и архитектурное решение для первой стадии проекта (ок. 30 000 м²).
The Knowledge and Innovation Center (KIC) is an offshoot of TSEZ and is affiliated with RKIF (the owner of its site). KIC aspires to establish a wide array of affiliations with Local Universities, incubators, accelerators as well as private and public organizations.

As such, KIC is intended to become an inclusive platform for collaboration based on innovative ideas, diverse population, dynamic interaction, progressive services, high-end infrastructure, lifestyle amenities, wide-ranging funding facilities, and transparent governance structure.

It is envisioned that KIC will attract a variety of enterprises, including ICT, academic training services, creative industries and value-added services, startups, SMEs (tech-based and service-based), foreign and established anchor tenants, service providers (educational and entrepreneurial support), incubator and accelerator operators, advisory services, university partners, investment tech funds, and individuals (young grads, researchers, innovators, etc.). These enterprises will benefit from the fast internet connection provided by the IMEWE submarine fiber optics cable linking Europe to the Middle East and West India, and a landing node in Tripoli.

The project will be developed in partnership with the private sector and rented as office space (flex-desk, serviced-offices or core and shell) to local and regional service companies, which will benefit from the TSEZ’s incentives, streamlined procedure and supporting business environment.
  • 2 km from the Port of Tripoli and TSEZ, 23 km from Rene Moawad Airport and 30 km from the Syrian border
  • The total exhibition area of 40000m2 (18000 m2 closed space and 22000 m2 open space but roofed)
  • 3-star hotel (quality inn)
  • Availability of all utilities including electricity, water, sewage, and broadband internet.
  • Potential extension of the exhibition area
  • Could be used as a permanent exhibition area as well as a free zone
  • The possibility of upgrading the existing hotel to a 4-star hotel or developing a new hotel
  • Potential development of the RKIF gr4een area


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