Living with water - Waterfront development in Hull
Конкурс посвящен развитию прибрежной зоны британского города Кингстон-апон-Халл. Участникам предстоит разработать концепцию современного жилого района, учитывая риск наводнений на этой территории. Помимо практичности, высокие требования будут предъявляться к эстетической стороне проектов.
Hull is a city built around water which brings opportunities but also brings challenges. Whilst waterside living is seen as an attraction the risk of flooding is something that needs addressing through good design. The flood risk that the city faces means that significant work over the past decades has gone into understanding the risk and providing the necessary infrastructure. Considerable investment has and is going into flood alleviation on the River Hull, Humber and surface water and sewer flooding.
Humber Quays West and Hull Arena is one of the city's most prestigious redevelopment opportunities. It presents dramatic scope for change with a major residential-led redevelopment to celebrate this waterfront city centre location. The ambition is to create a unique and distinctive urban neighbourhood that balances the amount of public space with achieving the development potential of the site. Humber Quays West and Hull Arena proposals should address relevant parts of the Local Plan including the design based policies, and site specific design challenges and opportunities.