Задача участников – предложить идеи по созданию исследовательской базы на Луне. Необходимо обеспечить все условия для комфортного проживания и эффективной работы группы из 5 ученых и 10 космических туристов. Среди рекомендуемых функциональных зон – спальные и рабочие пространства, зона для отдыха и общения, сельскохозяйственная территория и другие. Фантазия конкурсантов ничем не ограничена.
We invite visionaries from all profes-sions, Architects, Designers, Engineers, and Space Enthusiasts to envision and design this near yet unseen future. The participants are to design a Lunar Experience Centre + Research Centre for the first humans 10 tourists and 5 researchers to enhance their stay on The Experience Centre will help the Space Enthusiasts visiting the lunar sur-face for the first time to understand it and draw inspiration from the surroundings.
The Research Centre would assist the Researchers in comprehending the environment on the Moon and its suit-ability in sustenance of human life. The participants have to design a self-sustaining living space for these initial inhabitants.
The spaces for the program include Living Areas l Sleeping Areas l Cooking Area l Research Areas l Interaction Spaces l Areas for Sanitation and Bath l Recreation Areas l Controlled Areas for Farming l AV Room l Exhibition Area l Stores for resources I Observatory I Medical center l Control and Surveil-lance Area l Rover Parking and Any other spaces that the participant wishes to specify with respect to both.
The designed spaces exude comfort for the visitors and the researchers. It should provide for a variety of spaces that boast of ample natural light, inno-vative materials and their positive effect Are you ready to design beyond the boundaries of Earth ? The moon awaits it’s own Architect ! Maintenance Area l categories of users on human psychology.