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Таллинская биеннале архитектуры 2019 - параллельная программа

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.04.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 01.04.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Эстония
  город: Таллин
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Tallinn Architecture Biennale
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  TAB 2019 Satellite Programme “Beauty Matters” Open Call
  Таллинская архитектурная биеннале (сентябрь-ноябрь 2019) приглашает архитекторов, художников, убранистов к участию в параллельной программе. Предложить можно авторскую выставку, инсталляцию, перформанс, лекцию, экскурсию либо другие мероприятия, соответствующие тебе биеннале этого года – «Красота имеет значение: возрождение прекрасного».
  Алёна Кузнецова. Красота: возвращение отвергнутой, 16.09.2019
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Таллинская биеннале архитектуры 2024. Конкурс инсталляций
  11.09.2019 - 03.11.2019

Таллинская Биеннале Архитектуры. TAB 2019
TAB 2019 Satellite Programme offers an opportunity to showcase accompanying exhibitions and creative ideas in various locations in the heart of Tallinn during Tallinn Architecture Biennale TAB 2019. We are looking for exhibitions, installations, happenings. Including spacial designers and thinkers, the invitation is also directed to a diverse selection of professionals from other fields. The idea can be presented as an exhibition or a 10 minute performance, as a music or dance piece or a scientific experiment, a workshop or an excursion connected to this year’s Biennale’s winner proposal “Beauty Matters: The Resurgence of Beauty‘‘ curated by an architect Dr Yael Reisner.

“Beauty Matters: The Resurgence of Beauty” is the topic for the next Tallinn Architecture Biennale – TAB 2019. The winning proposal was selected from the international curatorial call for the 5th installment of the biggest architecture event in the region. The selected head curator is Dr Yael Reisner, a registered architect in Israel, who works and lives in London (Yael Reisner Studio). Her proposal focuses on the subject of how beauty matters again, reflecting on a cultural shift, after nearly eighty years of dormancy, as beauty was a tabooed, denigrated subject. Curators‘ assistants roles in the TAB curatorial team has been appointed to architect Liina Soosaar (Tallinn), who has recently graduated from Architecture and Urban Design at the Estonian Academy of Arts and architect Barnaby Gunning (London), from Principal, Barnaby Gunning Studio Ltd, London.


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