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Hustle Hub - молодежное коллективное жилье на ЗИЛе

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 22.06.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 02.07.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  город: Москва
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $20 до $200, в зависимости от даты регистрации и категории участника
  награда: I место - $1500; II место - $750; приз зрительских симпатий - $500
  организатор: competitions.UNI
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Hustle Hub - Youth Housing Design Challenge
  Конкурс посвящен теме коллективного жилья. Задание – предложить идеи по созданию тиражируемого доступного жилья для молодежи. Участок – территория бывшего завода ЗИЛ в Москве, но концепция должна подходить и для других мегаполисов.
With most of the young population working today to acquire basic security of livelihood and not investing on their lives for the long term (depreciating because of the ‘grind’) due to various social stigmas associated with not owning a home; create this rat-race. Cities being an economic platform which is constantly growing everyday - equity of housing has become an issue as they turn more and more severe/unaffordable every day. Affordable housing is one of the measures taken by the government but is not enough considering the vast number of people pooling into the city every day to look for means of livelihood.

Slowly the urban centers with their skyrocketing economic growth have almost priced out a lot of its citizens before they could even realize. Can a collective living concept scalable enough for all the megacities?

The challenge here is to build a replicable co-living housing concept for 1. Young 2. Migrant/Local 3. Working population of 20-35 years of age which is affordable (not subsidized but optimized), works on cyclic leasing for durations longer/shorter than rental cycles and gives them enough headspace to build their career and move. The Hustle Hub should extend itself more than just a space to live. Hustle Hub is also visualized as a framework that can extend to other megacities of the world.

The site for HustleHubUC is located in ZiL district in Moscow.


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