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Штаб-квартира Союза дизайнеров Северного Китая

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 13.03.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 20.03.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Китай
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 200 000 юаней; II и III место - 80 000 юаней; шесть поощрительных призов по 20 000 юаней
  организатор: Young Bird Plan
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  North Design Union Headquarters
  Сложность задачи, которая стоит перед участниками, – в том, что нужно создать не просто офис, а «обитель» для дизайнеров. Штаб-квартира Союза дизайнеров Северного Китая должна полностью отвечать всем нуждам представителей творческой профессии – не загонять в рамки, подстраиваться под различные задачи, стимулировать к поиску новых идей. В проектах, помимо собственно офисных пространств, нужно предусмотреть столовую, лабораторию, выставочный и лекционный зал, переговорную, библиотеку и комнату отдыха.
When we enter to the information age, science and technology makes a revolutionary progress in our daily life and working mode. With the dramatic change of lifestyle and urban re-centralization, interactive and flexible building clusters become more accessible to inspire staff and search for excellent partners for them. Thus, innovation, integration and mutual benefit become key points of such industry centers.

Undoubtedly, design practitioners are one of groups who are demanding in spatial use. Designers will create more possibilities for space and realize them after reviewing explosive information and integrating them reasonably.

Under such a condition, designers’ working environment and industrial chains’ requirements will lead and be worked as prototypes among all industries, which represent endless possibilities yet different from all industries.

In the near future, NDU will introduce and foster new generation of comprehensive design talents with international influence and strong ingenuity. Then, traditional headquarters and office buildings become barriers to design thinking.

Adaptability is the most important feature in design industry. Meanwhile complete cooperative mechanism, perfect match among industry chains, endless possibilities of industry expansion, strong interaction, and instant information spread also play significant roles in designing modern space to meet people’s requirements. It is undoubted that such a design center will gather around enterprises from different fields, which will generate huge polymerization effect.

One certain space can be worked as a gallery, a lecture hall or an office depending on different period and users. In that case, public space like meeting rooms, guest rooms and libraries can be shared in various ways which can minimize personal costs and double the utilization efficiency. Besides, people will improve their working efficiency when sharing information through more interaction.

Also, North Design Union plans to build buildings for design research in the industrial park to promote Chentang Slef Innovation Demonstration District and makes it a cluster for design industry.

By 2020, North Design Union will become one of the most influential demonstration unions, which gathers design industries. And Hexi District will be the most powerful national demonstration district featuring in strong capability, sustainability and friendliness in North China.

And by 2025, the international design center will be built in north with high quality along with innovative design industrial chain. Accordingly, the cooperative mechanism and service platform of NDU will be improved, which will expand industrial chain and value chain of enterprises in the union and make their demands match with each other more efficiently.

So what will be the future headquarters for design industry? How it can meet above demands? What are the style, space and spatial order of the headquarters when we enter to the future information age?

This competition is launched by North Design Union and Young Bird Plan (an international platform) and supported by Shanghai TACTER Management and Consulting., Ltd.


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