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Неделя дизайна в Салониках 2019 - приглашение к участию

  dead-line регистрации: 10.01.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 10.01.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Греция
  город: Фессалоники
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Thessaloniki Design Week
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The 1st Thessaloniki Design Week Open Call
  1-я Неделя дизайна в Салониках пройдет в Греции в мае будущего года. Дизайнеры и дизайнерские коллективы, желающие принять участие в событии, могут подать на рассмотрение проекты, соответствующие одному из 6 тематических разделов выставки. Авторы выбранных проектов должны будут покрыть расходы на их реализацию.
The 1st Thessaloniki Design Week will take place at Thessaloniki – Greece from 4th till 10th of May of 2019. Thessaloniki Design Week is an initiative of NPO PHILARTIA in cooperation with theMunicipality of Thessaloniki and other institutions.

We invite individuals, groups or companies active in all areas of design to submit their proposals and projects, given that they are relevant to the general axis and theme and to the thematic sections.

RE-CREATION is the slogan of the first Thessaloniki Design Week and the general axis and theme of the agenda and the events, aiming to express the dynamics that our society needs to develop in order to meet the challenges, the opportunities and the possibilities of the new era.

A number of events and activities will be spread in Thessaloniki, based on the following thematic sections:

1. Re-forming the future

In the new era, where digital technologies are changing rapidly not only ways of production of goods but also people’s attitudes, innovative design gains a broad, holistic significance in the lives of all of us. But it is not just about the present, as its every new step shows also what is going to exist in the future.

2. Re-generating the space

Developments that rapidly change production structures in modern societies leave behind shells in need of re-generation and transformation into new utilitarian infrastructures. Spaces and urban landscapes, new landmarks and their equipment get a new shape of life, creating poles of innovative behavior and urbanity.

3. Re-branding the identity

The new consumer needs and habits and the modern products they create do not only contain their own value but are also surrounded by projection and disposal systems, that in many ways stimulate the need to acquire and consume them. The qualities do exist, but acquire more complex and differentiated features, which give new identities and values to goods and services.

4. Re-thinking our abilities

In a world that is constantly reforming production models, with affected societies and others that get to the fore, the personal skills of individuals are under constant judgment and need of adjustment. However, whichever the crisis and disaster’s impact, it may contain the seeds of a new creativity, an evolutionary process of producing new ideas and abilities.

5. Re-fining our senses

Even for our primary, living needs, the satisfaction that accompanies them acquires deeper and more substantial completeness when the whole spectrum of our senses is stimulated and a total experience and overall pleasure is achieved. Everything that constitutes the well-being is detected, combined and re-fined, creating the new fugue of our bliss.

6. Re-defining our ideas

Every expression of creativity, every new idea, is anxious for its appearance, its weighting by the public, its possible recognition. Invitations that are challenging for new creators are the driving force for new productivity and growth.


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