Фестиваль садов в Альярисе отбирает лучшие ландшафтные проекты, которые будут украшать улицы города на протяжении года. Проекты должны соответствовать обозначенной теме – «Сады кино» (Gardens of Cinema). Бюджет на реализацию каждого сада – €10 000.
The priority objective set by Allariz Town Council for the International Gardens Festival is to encourage and raise awareness of garden art and the importance of the role of green spaces for improving quality of life for local residents. This project contributes towards bringing flowers, plants and art to urban areas, as well as preserving and highlighting the value of the rural environment. In the case of Allariz, this is reflected in the landscape, in keeping with the area's status as a Biosphere Reserve under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme.
These rules apply to the show gardens exhibited each year in the Allariz International Gardens Festival Park; the number of gardens selected epends on the space available, and the garden with the most votes will remain in place until the following year.