Конкурс носит название итальянской муки для выпечки Storie di Farina. В состязании оцениваются реализованные проекты пекарен, которые отличаются инновационным дизайном, нестандартным подходом к организации производства и обслуживания посетителей. Участвовать могут проекты, реализованные в период с сентября 2016 по октябрь 2018 года.
The competition’s scope is to enhance innovation in the designing, planning and realization of spaces for the production and sale of bread, by expressing regenerating potentials and stimulating the development with focus on the relationship between project, architecture and new lifestyle and consumption habits.
Theme of the competition is the innovation of premises and retail spaces dedicated to the preparation, sale or consumption of the product bread, in terms of conception, planning and furnishing of the new spaces.
The competition is International and intended for:
Projects of bakeries and spaces destined to the preparation and production of bread with in-house consumption or takeaway
The premises must have been completed, be in business and still open in the period of time between 1st September 2016 and 1st October 2018.