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Арт-объекты для горы Усян

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 21.11.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.11.2018
  тема: Ландшафт
  страна: Китай
  город: Нанкин
  открыт для: архитекторов, дизайнеров, художников
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 100 000 юаней; II место - два приза по 50 000 юаней; III место - три приза по 30 000 юаней
  организатор: AIMCompetition
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Wuxiang Mountain Tourism Public Earth Art Competition
  Конкурс посвящен развитию национального парка на территории горы Усян в китайском городе Нанкин. На выбор участникам предлагается 36 площадок – для них необходимо разработать арт-объекты, которые будут отражать историю, культуру и ценности этого места. Проекты победителей получат шанс на реализацию.
“Wu Xiang”, as known as “thinking without myself”, expressing the variables of myself, and the word “myself” above, covers human and any object which is temporary and varied. The theme of this competition is “Nonintervention”. We hope artists abandon their subjectively and the process of thinking. They are expected to create the artworks which will became a conversation between artist and Wuxiang mountain, China, with their intuition. Lishui, located at the cross of Wu and Chu (Wu and Chu are two historical countrys in ancient china). Now, Lishui district is close to the urban area and nature.

Lishui is famous for the beauty of Wuxiang mountain which has bamboo forest, pine forest, lakes and reservoirs. Wuxiang mountain is the fifth national forest park in Nanjing, east to the eastern Lu mountain and the source of Qinhuai river; west to the Yanzhi river Tiansheng bridge park; south to the Fujiabian modern agricultural technology park; north to the urban area. Wuxiang mountain is the best choice of sport and leisure for local citizens, meanwhile, it attract more than 0.5 million tourists every year.

There are not only the complete protection of countryside in Wuxiang mountain, but also the strongly support of the government. Lishui government welcome more experts, artists, architects and amateurs to join this party of earth art, meanwhile, they try to make the Wuxiang mountain into a La La Land of earth art in China with this competition and more activities.

We invite you: Think about the abstractness and reality-meaning of contemporary art and Dhyana, which will stimulate thought and reflect the stamp of the age; Think about the relationship between human and the earth; Think about how to dig new value from countryside; Think about how to propagate local culture turning into internetional with the power of art. Let’s make the local culture of Wuxiang mountain into an infinite miracle by contemporary concepts and methods.


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