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Архитектурный фестиваль Radical - приглашение к участию

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.11.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.11.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Дессау
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
  ссылки: Страница конкурса>>>
  Open Call Festival Architecture RADICAL 2019
  Архитектурный фестиваль Radical, приуроченный к 100-летию школы Баухаус, пройдет в Дессау летом будущего года. Конкурс проводится для отбора 100 студентов, которые примут участие в мероприятиях фестиваля. Задание – представить свое видение радикальной архитектуры в плакатной форме.
How can architecture be newly developed from its very foundations? This is the question the members of the Bauhaus asked themselves exactly a century ago and this issue has remained a repeated subject for discussion up to the present day. On the occasion of the centenary of the Bauhaus Dessau in 2019, this institution will be examining to what extent architectural radicalism remains topical in our time at the Architecture Festival RADICAL. What fundamentals would be necessary in our day and age to redesign architectures, permitting them to unleash a global impact equal to the effect of the Bauhaus constructions in their time?

In the summer of 2019, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation will invite individuals to attend the Architecture Festival RADICAL, which is one element of the three-part Festival Bauhaus Dessau consisting of School FUNDAMENTAL, Architecture RADICAL and Stage TOTAL. These festivals are taking place to mark the centenary of the birth of the Bauhaus.

The historical Bauhaus was active within the fields of radical utopia, social visions and social reality. The objective of the Bauhaus in Dessau as a School of Design was to renew everyday life through contemporary design. The Bauhaus buildings were therefore more than mere architecture; envisaged as complete works, they represented tangible prototypes of modern life with which the Bauhaus astonished – and sometimes – shocked its contemporaries. And today, Bauhaus architecture is frequently only cited within a stylistic context while its constructed motivation and progressive concepts are fading into oblivion. Certain radical aspects which were then conceived and realised are today considered to be standard. Others were discarded, but many concepts continued to be further developed as they remain modern even after 100 years. This is the focal point of the Architecture Festival RADICAL.

Students from all creative disciplines who see construction and architecture as a utopian task are invited to apply with their concepts of radical newly motivated architecture with a written and illustrated personal statement (poster).

From all applications received, one hundred students will be selected who will participate in three intensive festival days at the Bauhaus in Dessau from 31 May to 2 June. Supervised by ten renowned architects and designers, students will be involved in workshops alongside lectures and open-space conferences, thinking, designing, living and celebrating together in an atmosphere with space for visions and utopias. At the end of the festival, concepts developed in the workshops and selected application posters will be exhibited and receive awards.

The headquarters of the festival will be located in the historical Employment Office designed by Walter Gropius, which will become the Office for radical contemporary design during the three-day festival. A further experience venue will be the open stage at the then not yet opened contemporary Bauhaus Museum Dessau. The open call winners will experience the highly varied programme points of the festival in both locations, for example the Signature Architectures with which the renowned architects will transform the festival locations into a discussion landscape alongside screenings of historical and contemporary architectural films and performances.


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