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Пространство для перерыва на отдых

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 19.12.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 19.12.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: €5000
  организатор: Ferrero
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Design the working break competition
  Компания Ferrero запускает конкурс на лучший дизайн пространств для перерыва на отдых/обед своих сотрудников, где можно будет расслабиться в уютной обстановке, пообщаться, перекусить. В каждой комнате, рассчитанной на 4-12 человек, должно быть как минимум две стеклянных стены. Также следует предусмотреть многофункциональную модульную мебель, удобные столы и стулья, умывальники, торговые автоматы и другие необходимые компоненты. Цель – не только создать комфортные условия, но также продемонстрировать ценности компании.
Ferrero invites the international community of Desall to suggest a new interior design project to furnish the rooms dedicated to the employees working on the production line, creating a space dedicated to relax, break and nourishing relationships among colleagues, where everyone may find the ideal place to refresh, relax and possibly have a snack before going back to work, with a project that may fully reflect the founding values of the group.

For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:

Objective of the contest: your project shall include several furnishing elements and solutions able to adapt to the various dimensions of the relax rooms available inside the Ferrero facilities, in particular those rooms located next to the production lines, reserved to the line workers. The rooms shall contribute to improve the working environment, where every line worker might feel welcome and at ease, in a lively and cosy context.

Values to convey: the furnishing solution you are going to suggest shall reflect the Ferrero values and identity, that considers loyalty and trust, respect and responsibility, integrity and moderation, the founding values of the group. In addition, other very important values include passion for quality, research and innovation, that were embodied by a very successful entrepreneurial experience. For more information, you may refer to the institutional websites of the group.

Project areas: even though there are numerous variants in the size and layout of the rooms, the contest will take into consideration three main room typologies:
- Small room: maximum capacity 4 people, size 340 cm x 355 cm, height 300 cm, surface area 12 m2
- Medium room: maximum capacity 8 people, size 370 cm x 670 cm, height 300 cm, surface area 24.79 m2
- Large room: maximum capacity 12 people, size 440 cm x 770 cm, height 300 cm, surface area 33.8 m2

Each room has at least two glass walls – one of which always facing the production line – and at least one masonry wall. At your discretion you might evaluate whether to cover/coat/furnish the various walls as you prefer. Access to the room is provided through a door located on the glass wall facing the production line.

Given the great variety of the rooms available in the production site, keep into consideration that in some cases rooms might exceed 300 cm height.

Room purpose: the rooms reserved to the Ferrero line workers will be mainly used for 10-15 minutes working breaks, during which every person will find the ideal place to relax, have some snacks, stay informed about contents and events concerning the company or to other contexts and to nourish relationships with the other colleagues.


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