New Habitats, New Beauties - TAB 2019 Vision Competition
Конкурс проводится в рамках Таллинской биеннале архитектуры. От участников требуется разработать концепцию создания современного района на территории полуострова Колпи. Жители района должны иметь возможности для отдыха, работы, учебы, общения. Конкурсные проекты должны отвечать теме "New Habitats, New Beauties", а значит, нужно постараться в своих работах раскрыть понятие красоты.
No one can define beauty in simple terms, nevertheless, we know that its experience is often identified with certain qualities. Mathematicians—who, unlike architects, never stopped believing in the role of beauty—knowingly, and comfortably list surprise, significance, clarity, profundity, or ambiguity, as some of its characteristics, and they point out that when order takes over disorder, ‘all falls into place.’ This pleasing moment is something that architects are familiar with too and it is a well known step towards beauty.
In our time, beauty is not a singular idea but its plurality prevails, hence we are looking for new architectural beauties.
The site of the 2019 Vision Competition is the east side of Kopli, part of Kalamaja, and adjacent to the railway lands that will, in the near future, become an important new part of Tallinn.
The task is to create a neighbourhood of shared and private habitats to live and work in. Indoor and outdoor places for people to learn, play and grow across the ages.