Задание для участников – спроектировать смотровую площадку, которая позволит туристам наслаждаться прекрасным видом на норвежские фьорды. Предполагаемым местом для создания площадки является Гейрангер-фьорд. Основное условие – уважение к естественному ландшафту; посетители должны чувствовать себя наедине с природой.
The objective of the present competition for students of architecture and young architects, Viewpoint of the Fjords (VOF), consists in proposing a space for contemplation and admiration of the environment that will produce an exchange between landscape and spectator. A space where nature plays a key role.
Landscape observation is the fundamental purpose of this architectural space. It must appreciate the virtues of the location and experiment new ways of contemplation.
Thanks to its privileged location, this new proposed space will become an international reference point for all visitors of this natural attraction.
VOF aspires to become the new meeting point for visitors and nature, a new place of understanding and an information point for hikers. In here, observation will become a unique sensory experience.
In a country so full of world-famous iconic images, this new space for contemplation must become an architectural reference for Norway.