На конкурс принимаются проекты по созданию открытого кинотеатра на 25 мест на пляже кипрской деревни Героскипу. Задача – предложить нечто большее, чем экран и места для зрителей, переосмыслить традиционную концепцию уличных кинотеатров. Лучший проект планируется реализовать. Стоимость строительства не должна превышать €10 000.
The Beach Cinema competition is open to architects, students of architecture, recent graduates, and associated disciplines from around the world.
CYSOA is looking to continue investigating the coastline of Geroskipou over the next year, with a number of design-led, small budget schemes that aim to begin the process of rejuvenating this area of Paphos. The winning design will be constructed on Geroskipou Beach in consultation with the local municipality, a fantastic opportunity for young and emerging designers and practices to build an early career project.
The essential programmatic need is to provide a 25 seater outdoor cinema, however additional programs, material concerns, and aesthetic results should be decided by individual participants. Participants should re-imagine what an outdoor cinema could be, elevating it above the provision of a simple 'screen' and seating. Entries may be from individuals, or teams of up to 5.