Площадь Гросвенор, одна из визитных карточек Лондона, через три года отметит свое 300-летие. Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по ее преображению, с учетом уже собранных мнений горожан и гостей города. Лучшие решения будут опубликованы на сайте конкурса и получат шанс на реализацию.
We want to reimagine Grosvenor Square — for locals, visitors and Londoners — and for generations to come. The generations who will shape one of the greatest cities in the world.
We’ve polled Londoners for their ideas. We've talked to locals and to visitors. We’ve set up an independent panel of experts. And now we’re launching a call for ideas from urban visionaries and place-makers to help make Grosvenor Square a sensation once again.
We have 25,000 sq m of green space in Mayfair at the heart of London’s West End. You have an ambitious vision to create a place that works in harmony with people, both now and in the future.
Together we can reimagine Grosvenor Square for the next 300 years.
Whether you’re a company or an individual, architect or horticulturist, retailer or gallerist, urbanist or placemaker it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make your mark on the map of London.