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Хижины для медитации

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 23.10.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 19.11.2018
  дата объявления результатов: 18.11.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Латвия
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 22 июня: для студентов - $70 / для профессионалов - $90; с 23 июня по 3 августа: $100/$120; с 4 августа по 23 октября: $140/$120
  награда: I место - $3000; II место - $1500; III место - $500
  организатор: Bee Breeders
Ozolini Teamakers
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Silent Meditation Forest Cabins
  Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по строительству в лесах Латвии хижин для медитации, в которых можно побыть наедине с природой и насладиться тишиной. Каждая хижина должна вмещать одного человека и обладать необходимыми удобствами. Главное требование к проектам – экологичность и экономичность. Лучшие концепции получат шанс на реализацию.
Silent meditation techniques are used to calm the mind and enhance concentration. Often referred to as Vipassana - which means viewing things just as they are - this type of meditation can be both extremely challenging and rewarding. Retreating from vocal communication, technology, and even eye contact, requires a great deal of commitment and mental strength. However, it can also be a profound and life-changing experience.

The Silent Meditation Forest Cabins is a collaboration with Ozolini Teamakers, run by Brigita and Dima Lukini from Riga, Latvia. Drawing on generations of knowledge and experience with herbs and tea-making, the couple create mixtures of herbal teas for everyday life to offer to city-dwellers. With millennials beginning to find their way back to the countryside and craving a connection to nature, Ozolini is opening its doors to the like-minded individuals who look to reflect on their own experiences through meditation and retreat into the wilderness.

The competition participants are asked to create designs for a cabin that could be replicated in any number of spots throughout the forest. The cabin’s main purpose is to help guests enjoy silent meditation, where the only sounds they would hear would be the sounds of nature. The silent meditation cabins would need to be able to accommodate just a single person, and offer them basic and humble living conditions.

With competition winners being put forward for consideration for construction, designs for the the Silent Meditation Forest Cabins should focus on eco-friendly and cost-effective building techniques. As Latvia has a reputation as one of Europe’s greenest countries, the structure should have the potential to become a regional example of green building practice.


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