Конкурсантам предлагается поразмышлять над существующей системой упаковки мелких и крупногабаритных грузов. Спрос на услуги по доставке товаров непрерывно растет, а вместе с ним растет и количество используемых пакетов, коробок, воздушно-пузырьковой пленки, оберточной бумаги и других упаковочных материалов. Задача участников – представить идеи по совершенствованию современной системы упаковки и доставки, подумать над тем, как сделать ее более эффективной и экологичной.
With passing time, technology is enabling items reach our home quick. Most things we desire or require are a few taps away. Be it food to footwear, or tickets to taxis; everything. Online marketplaces / storefronts / eateries and many other forms of commerce are constantly pushing the bar in the ‘fulfillment’ domain and working tirelessly to make this experience as seamless as possible. Eg. Amazon dash button - Delivery with a click. This definitely has created a wave by inspiring smaller entities/individuals/suppliers to adapt to the digital space and to become a part of this accepted reality at large. This implies our products/food/articles have to travel more than us. Which creates an urge for something we witness every day - ‘packaging’.
More than ever, shopping with a scroll and a click online instead of our local markets stores is evident widely. Lucrative same-day shipping deals and the convenience of shopping from home have propelled the growth of E-commerce: up nearly 25 percent last year, according to an analysis by Slice Intelligence, and this uptrend is not slowing any soon. These orders may seem insignificant when we observe ourselves. However our neighborhoods and cities are ordering millions of packages like these every day, with astonishingly growing numbers. And these online cravings have consequences too. Ever wondered so much of bubble wraps, packets, boxes, duct tapes, stickers, printed bills, airbags, plastic utensils, spoons,etc. where do they eventually go?
You may propose system level changes/ideas like how existing equipments / transport / handling / sorting etc. methods could be revamped, however any such recommendations should be based on exact cases of current methods used in delivery fulfillment.