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конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 16.10.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 12.11.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 15 июня: для профессионалов - $90 / для студентов - $70; с 16 июня по 27 июля: $120/$100; с 28 июля по 16 октября: $140/$120
  награда: I место - $3000; II место - $1500; III место - $500; два специальных приза по $500
  организатор: Bee Breeders
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Euro Velo Stops architecture competition
  Задание для участников конкурса – спроектировать универсальные остановочные пункты, которые могли бы расположиться в разных точках на протяжении велосипедного маршрута «Евровело-6». Длина маршрута – более 4000 км, поэтому необходимо создать условия для полноценного отдыха путешественников. Помимо функциональной составляющей «остановок», конкурсанты должны позаботиться об эстетической.
Escaping to the countryside on a bike ride has been a joy for most of us since we were children. But with cycle pathways now criss-crossing most major cities, bicycles are used less and less to escape the daily grind but rather to journey to it. For those looking to really escape, the network offers riders the chance to get away for days at a time. Consisting of 15 long distance cycle routes that interconnect, it makes the entire European continent now accessible by bicycle.

The EuroVelo 6 route is a path that explores the European rivers. Connecting paths that follow sections of the Loire and the Danube Rivers, EuroVelo 6 runs from the Atlantic to the Black Sea. As one of the network’s most popular routes, cyclists are treated to stunning views of coastlines, rivers, and castles along the 4,400 km long route.

For the Euro Velo Stops architecture competition, participants are tasked with creating subtle and intriguing designs for rest stop cabins that can be located along the length of the EuroVelo 6 cycle path. The cabins should reflect the European identity, with a design aesthetic that could become iconic in its own right. Each cabin should provide safe, comfortable, and inviting lodgings, where cyclists can rest and refuel.

Since the cycle routes are a chance for people to get back to nature, the jury are looking for simple designs in keeping with the context. Elegant solutions that require limited resources and can be replicated on a tight budget are the key.

While there is no specific location selected for this competition, designs should be applicable to various different sites along the EuroVelo 6 route. These cabins should form a new and unique, quality product for the European Union to be adapted and replicated along this route.

The winning designs for the Euro Velo Stops competition will be considered for construction as a part of the Bright Blueprint initiative as a way to help support Europe's Velo culture.


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