Конкурсантам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию нового культурно-образовательного пространства на побережье в Сан-Франциско. Архитектура «дома для книг» должна гармонировать с природным и городским окружением. В проектах также необходимо пересмотреть устройство традиционных библиотек, адаптировать их концепцию к современной действительности. Среди предлагаемых функциональных зон – собственно библиотечная, образовательная, медиацентр и площадки для чтения на открытом воздухе.
The objective of this competition for students of architecture and young architects, Bay Book House (BaBH) San Francisco, consists in proposing a space for cultural exchange that will activate one or several of the unused piers of the historic Port of San Francisco.
Thanks to its privileged location, the proposed space will seek to become an international meeting point for students and researchers, as well as for lovers of culture and general knowledge, where consultation, open-air reading or technological innovation will attract inhabitants or visitors.
The BaBH aspires to be the future of traditional libraries, an evolution in the how we understand, use and enjoy this source of knowledge, a museum of (not) books adapted to today’s world, and where culture becomes a unique sensory experience.
In a city filled with iconic images known around the world, this new space should become the new cultural reference of San Francisco, the flagship of the strong shoreline that is currently flowering.