Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию павильона-ресторана на побережье в Майами. Единственное ограничение – по площади (до 300 м²). В остальном можно дать волю фантазии. Среди предлагаемых функциональных зон – обеденная, барная, кухонная, холл, а также сцена для выступлений.
In Miami pavilion restaurant design competition, we challenge you to design a pavilion restaurant. Which is build near to the banks of sea. Your design is not necessary to be concise within 4 walls. You can design freely in and out of the space. The design allows you to make use of landscape area to incorporate semi open dining area. There is no limits to height to design, you can design with freedom.
Maximum built up area: 300 SQ M
Dining Area
Performance stage
Extra-curricular activity stage/podium
*Note - All these are exemplary areas for participants’ clarity. Designing should be done under these broad categories, but they are free to add, remove or to improvise to any one of the specific functions provided based on your design.