Версальская премия ежегодно присуждается лучшим проектам в области коммерческой архитектуры – магазинов, отелей, ресторанов. В студенческом конкурсе, организованном в рамках премии, в этом году оцениваются идеи строительства стадиона на территории в британском Ливерпуле, которая входит в список наследия ЮНЕСКО. Задача – создать современную инфраструктуру, не навредив исторической среде.
The objective of the 2018 ‘Student Competition’ (hereinafter referred to as “Student Competition”) is to solicit ideas on both the urban design and contemporary ecological architecture for mixed residential and commercial use which can be introduced into the existing historic urban fabric:
(1) Sensitive urban design for a World Heritage city;
(2) Innovative football stadium either in the current location of one of the two stadiums beside Stanley Park or by the docks but outside the World Heritage core zone that will not undermine the Outstanding Universal Value.
Regarding a new stadium by the docks, the participants are invited to consider in particular the area bounded on the west by Regent Road, on the north by the A5054, on the south by Walter Street and on the east by Great Howard Street, in the Ten Streets area to the north of Stanley Dock (Titanic Hotel) and to the east of Bramley Moore Dock.
In keeping with the belief in the inevitability of change and the continued evolution of cities, the aim is certainly not to promote a pastiche of by-gone days but to solicit contemporary urban and architectural expressions that would be in harmony with the values of World Heritage Sites.