Matera, city of culture - A museum for the ancient city
Конкурсантам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию музея культуры в итальянском городе Матера, старая часть которого является объектом всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Музей призван стать местом встречи прошлого и современности, сохранить богатство традиций. Принять участие могут все желающие.
MATERA is a unique place, was the first site in Southern Italy to be named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993. The cultural landscape defines an extraordinary city, remembered with the acronym of "Città dei Sassi" or "Città Sotte rranea" for the presence of most old rural population in the world.
In this context of ancient athmosfere we want to imagine the new Museum of Culture, a container of traditions able to better enhance the historical elements that make up the identity of the city. Exhibition rooms of local crafts and laboratory for artistic workshops will connect visitors and the population to create new synergies. The Museum for Matera will combine the tradition of the past and contemporary instances.