Конкурс проводится союзом нескольких чешских муниципалитетов под названием LOŠBATES. Задача участников – разработать проект начальной школы в деревне Лоуновице. Помимо собственно здания школы необходимо создать жилье для ее сотрудников, парковку, а также обеспечить транспортную доступность. В распоряжении конкурсантов – участок в 2,5 га. Школу необходимо гармонично вписать в существующее окружение.
The elementary school is the dream and desire of all the municipalities associated in the volunteer union of LOŠBATES. The architectural design competition is the second step to its creation. The first is the cooperation of municipalities LOuňovice, Štíhlice, BAbice, TEhovec, Svojetice that created LOŠBATES. (Even though Babice decided to solve their issue separately and are not part of the union anymore.)
The goal of the competition is to find the best solution for an elementary school with a size of 2 x 9 classes containing, in addition to preparatory classes, the primary and secondary levels, also the caretaker’s flat and space for an elementary art school. In addition to the school itself, we are also requesting the design of flats for personnel, to resolve the school’s transportation connection to the main road, and parking.
The construction of the new school is an investment that does not have a similarity in the rich history of our communities. Though we are small villages, it is our desire to build a 21st century school that will allow modern learning and inspire children to study. We want a safe school and a school that will enable community use and will serve all our people for decades. The proposed solution should respect the chosen 2.5 hectares of building land, the surrounding area and the landscape character of the village of Louňovice. The layout of buildings and other structures must be such as to allow future extension of the school to 3 x 9 classes.