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Место для созерцания в пустыне штата Невада

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 28.02.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 18.03.2018
  дата объявления результатов: 30.04.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: США
  открыт для: студентов и аспирантов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 13 января - $50; с 14 января по 28 февраля - $90
  награда: I место - $2500; II место - $1000; три поощрительных приза по $500
  организатор: Montello Foundation
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  A Desert Waypoint for Contemplation and Exhibitions
  Конкурс организован фондом Монтелло, который поддерживает художников, чье творчество посвящено теме взаимодействия человека и природы. Участникам необходимо создать пространство для отдыха путешественников, созерцания пейзажей и организации выставок в пустынной долине штата Невада. Бюджет на реализацию проекта – $15 000.
Montello Foundation is a foundation dedicated to support artists who foster our understanding of nature, its fragility and our need to protect it.

The Montello Foundation now intends to build a waypoint, so artists’ interpretations of nature and our interactions with nature may be the starting point for travelers’ contemplations.

When we travel, it is in our nature to seek points of rest, to reorient ourselves. We want to understand the place we are traversing; but we also want to focus our mind on the original purpose of our journey rather than just on the logistics and technicalities of our transportation. Historically these waypoints were of course often created in a spiritual or religious context, recognizing the need to provide a focus for hope. This waypoint should center around a focus on nature, both the wide vistas as well as delicate details.

The main focus of the Foundation to date has been to provide an artist residency in a remote valley near Montello, NV. This retreat is located on 80 acres of desert land and can only be reached by driving approximately 15 miles on dirt roads. It is also meant to be a solitary retreat, a hermitage, so to reach directly to a wider audience, Montello Foundation has decided to create a presence at a much easier to reach and thus a public location.


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