Премия отмечает лучшие студенческие проекты со всего мира в трех категориях: частные дома, многоквартирные дома и общественные здания. Главной особенностью премии является отсутствие точной даты подведения итогов – каждый проект будет рассмотрен подробно, независимо от того, сколько на это потребуется времени. Таким образом организаторам удастся добиться максимальной объективности.
The WikiArquitectura Student awards aim to celebrate the work done by students from all around the world during each academic year.
Most student’s project’s fate is to never leave the classroom and end up in a forgotten drawer after the final critique. There is nothing wrong with that since something new is always learned with each project, but we believe the learning experience could be much richer by sharing those projects with a broader community, as broad as architecture schools exists around the world.
Although there already exist some competitions and awards for students we believe most of them fail to achieve this goal by charging inaccessible entry fees that make it impossible for many students to take part on such events or by disappointing those who do take part with an opaque and often seemingly arbitrary selection process.
The WAS awards are an international, free and transparent alternative to these kind of events that we believe are necessary during the learning process of an architect and that schools themselves often find it hard to coordinate and organize.
The WAS Awards guarantee that any student from any country in the world can participate by eliminating any entry fee. They also transform the process in which the winners are selected, going from a process that usually only lasts a few hours to and individual and extensive review of each project that lasts for days. During this process every single project gets the full attention from the jurors, without any previous shortlisting or other commitments that limit the time that the jurors can spend on each projects. Participants will even be able to get direct feedback from the jurors about their project to help them improve and understand how to become successful at this kind of events.