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Медицинский уход 2.0

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 29.11.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 29.11.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Нидерланды
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 5 ноября - €50; с 6 по 29 ноября - €60
  награда: I место - €1500; II место - €400; III место - €300
  организатор: Phidias Community Cooking
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Redevel(o)p Competition
  Задача участников – разработать концепцию центра по уходу за людьми с ограниченными ментальными возможностями для медицинской компании Dichterbij Velp. Предполагаемое место расположения центра – деревня Велп в Нидерландах. Здесь должны быть созданы все условия для комфортной полноценной жизни пациентов – необходимо обеспечить для них «уход 2.0».
The world is in the palm of our hand thanks to technological and digital developments of the past two decades. Fast internet, new devices and applications have made us more self-reliant and give us more instant control of our own lives. This also goes for healthcare, a field in which the development of new tools and systems has taken a rapid pace. New products and services assist medical professionals and simplify the lives of clients and patients, enabling them to live their lives more independently.

This trend has a large impact on the vision of today’s leaders on care. ‘Care 2.0’ according to Dichterbij: Enabling clients in all possible ways to live their lives as normal as possible, regardless of the character of their disabilities. How does that affect care? The faster the pace of developments in care, the larger the gap becomes between vision on care 2.0 and the current spatial design. Time has come to critically review the way we spatially organize care.

Dichterbij Velp is a Dutch healthcare organization that provides care for mentally disabled children and adults, for their parents and their network. The organization is active in the southern provinces of The Netherlands and offers a broad spectrum of care to their target groups.

From residential locations to day care activities, from specialized tailor-fit therapy to group care. Dichterbij actively strives for an undivided society, in which people with mental disabilities participate fully. Dichterbij also encourages society to discover this group’s talents and opportunities.

For their location in Velp (a village located in the municipality of Grave, in the province of Noord Brabant, The Netherlands) Dichterbij is looking for innovative ideas and concepts for the spatial realization of care. With a location in the periphery of Velp, Dichterbij Velp aims for more connection and exchange with the community of Velp and increased social integration. In the current situation, the clients live in residential clusters, daily day care activities are organized mainly in the activity centre and there are little to no leisure facilities.

How can the spatial quality and the architectural layout of Dichterbij Velp contribute to a normal life for clients and a pleasant place to work for employees? How can a redeveloped area fuel sustainable connections with the nearby village of Velp and stimulate social integration?


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