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Детская библиотека в парке Пиноккио

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 10.12.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 13.12.2017
  дата объявления результатов: 28.02.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  город: Коллоди
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов (до 35 лет)
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 15 октября - €75; с 16 октября по 12 ноября - €100; с 13 ноября по 10 декабря - €150
  награда: I место - €10 000; II место - €4000; III место - €2000; четыре поощрительных приза по €1000
  организатор: Young Architects Competitions
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Pinocchio Children's Library
  Перед конкурсантами стоит задача спроектировать большую детскую библиотеку для парка Пиноккио в итальянском городе Коллоди. Здание, в котором будут храниться лучшие сказки мира, должно быть необыкновенным. Участникам необходимо создать волшебный мир для маленьких посетителей, при этом не забывая об образовательной функции библиотеки.
It is the fairy tale par-excellence. It is one of the stories that mostly influenced culture and international imaginary over the last two centuries: Pinocchio. The puppet destined to become a boy made adults and children of all generations dream.

From Disney’s interpretation to various film adaptations, the adventures of Pinocchio have travelled around the world. This tale comes from a remote and picturesque corner of Italy: Collodi. Thanks to the precious activity of the homonymous Foundation, Collodi is getting ready to inaugurate a new chapter of international notoriety and importance.

In fact, 2018 will be a crucial year for the project “Collodi Capitale Europea dell’Infanzia” (Collodi European Childhood Capital). It is an ambitious program of the Collodi Foundation and the Italian Government that will build- in the sites of the fairy tale- the largest theme park inspired by Pinocchio ever built. The 250.000 m2 intervention will include installations, attractions and a library dedicated to all the fairy tales that made the childhood of dozens of generations magic (Alice, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, the Little Prince among others).

In this context, YAC is delighted to present Pinocchio Children’s Library. Through the collaboration of the Collodi Foundation- this competition gives designers the opportunity to create an unprecedented project. They are given the opportunity to design the first and largest children library inspired by the fairy tale of Pinocchio. This library will have to be the image and the materialization of childhood dreams for millions of visitors who will visit the park.

Which will be the house to safeguard the most important fairy tales in the world? How to define a child-friendly space destined to be the most prestigious fairytale library at international level?

These are the questions that Pinocchio Children’s Library asks designers. It invites them to go back to the magic horizon of fairy tales and stories. Only by let the project taking them back to their childhood, designers can rediscover the sense of wonder and fantasy necessary to design a refined place. A place built to play and have fun but above all grow up and learn. A place that displays the noble project of the Foundation: to build the future society by nurturing the most powerful and endless childhood resource: imagination.

YAC thanks all the designers who will take part in this challenge.


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