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Маленький модульный дом

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 03.11.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 04.01.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Литва
  открыт для: индивидуальных участников и команд до 5 человек
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место – €1 000; II место – €500; III – €250
  организатор: Ryterna modul
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018 Tiny House
  В этом году участникам конкурса от компании Ryterna modul предстоит разработать проект маленького модульного дома площадью не более 25 м². Дом должен быть транспортабельным, комфортным и полностью оборудованным для проживания двух человек. Отдельное внимание стоит обратить на то, что из внешних коммуникаций доступно только электричество.
связанные события:
  25.11.2018 - 28.01.2019

Модульный загородный дом
  31.10.2016 - 28.11.2016

Модульный ресторан
  28.09.2015 - 27.11.2015

Модульное общежитие для беженцев
  10.02.2014 - 01.04.2014

Модульное общежитие – конкурс для архитекторов
We are very proud to announce our fourth international competition for architects - Ryterna modul Architectural Challenge 2018 TINY HOUSE

Last year we worked hard to give you something interesting to participate in. Today is the fourth time we are starting our INTERNATIONAL competition, we never expected to go so far with our project for architects, but we are so happy that this project is going strong and well!

This year our task will give a real workout for your brains and creativity, as we ask you to design a TINY HOUSE, which has to be no bigger than 25sq.m (269sq.ft) and has to feature four areas: kitchen, sanitary room, sleeping area and living area. And that's not it. The only available outside communication is electricity, meaning that drinking water for example or black water has to come and go somewhere and do no harm to environment.  So composting toilet is your friend!

We would like for you to take a look at our rules and regulations file as it has some more details for your project as well as ONE OPTION that you may use for your additional creativity.

Worth to mention our TINY HOUSE is transportable by truck and is not based on trailer style TINY HOUSES.

In our Jury you will find last year competition winners Milda Naujalyte and Arminas Sadzevicius and also our two time 3rd place winner in 2014 and 2015 competition Donatas Cesiulis! This time they will be working together with other experienced Independent architects, company CEO on selecting the best 3 works.

The AIM of this year challenge is to present a TINY HOUSE module which has to be no bigger that 25sq.m (269sq.ft), feature 4 different areas for comfortable living of two people, and to be fully sustainable for 2-3 weeks living period without external communications except electricity supply.


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