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Сафари-домик в парке Матобо

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 11.01.2018
  dead-line подачи проектов: 11.01.2018
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Зимбабве
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 1 октября - £60; со 2 октября по 1 января - £80; со 2 по 11 января - £100
  награда: главный приз - сафари-тур в Африку; II место - £400; приз зрительских симпатий - £100
  организатор: Eleven Magazine
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Safari ideas and design competition
  В центре внимания конкурса – национальный парк Матобо в Зимбабве. Участникам предстоит разработать новый сафари-домик, который позволил бы гостям парка полностью ощутить уникальную атмосферу местности, а также познакомиться с местной культурой. Домик, который расположится в живописном месте среди скал, должен стать одной из главных достопримечательносей Матобо.
Welcome to our 8th international ideas and design competition. For this challenge, we invite you to take an architectural safari into one of the wildest, most exciting and beautiful unique corners of Southern Africa: UNESCO’s Matobo National Park in Zimbabwe. In Swahili, the word ‘safari’ means journey, and this is exactly where we want to take you through our competition: a journey into the romance and adventure of the wild, into the customs, local rituals and the beating heart of Africa through your senses. The outcome of this journey? A new super sensory safari lodge concept the likes of which the world has never seen before, nestled in the heart of Matobo’s granite rock formations and mysterious ancient rock paintings. Are you ready to take a safari with us?

This competition is run in partnership with award winning safari company African Bush Camps. Their world famous lodges are located in some the most fascinating, wild and remote landscapes found in Southern Africa, from Zimbabwe to Botswana and Zambia. Now, they are looking to expand into Matobo and are looking to you for inspiration. The winning team will win a week long super sensory safari compliments of African Bush Camps and get to experience the adventure of exploring the exhilarating Zimbabwean landscape with some of the worlds best guides.

Matobo National Park is a small biosphere pocket south of Zimbabwe's second largest city Bulawayo. It's famous for its undulating hills riddled with monolithic granite boulders which hold within them fascinating and mysterious caves filled with ancient Bushmen rock paintings. The park is also a sanctuary for the endangered Black and White Rhino population and is, therefore, a key hub in the conservation efforts of this rare animal. Aside from the rhinos, the park is home to a whole variety of African wildlife. All in all, this makes Matobo a magical safari location to dive deep into the natural and cultural wonders this country has to offer.

We are looking for proposals for a new safari lodge. One which blends traditional safari activities with new ones linked with culture, tradition and conservation, and one which allows the visitor to experience its unique context fully. We are looking for a super sensory safari lodge, the first one in the world, which uses design as a pivotal part of the experience. How can architecture become a mechanism for experiencing the adventure, magic and romance of a safari in Matobo? You decide.

This competition is also run to raise awareness of African Bush Camps Foundation, a charity which our safari partners run in parallel to their ventures in support of local culture, education and conservation.


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