I место - контракт на дальнейшую разработку проекта (≈1,5 млн румынских леев); II место - 60 000 леев; III место - 30 000 леев; поощрительный приз 15 000 леев
Конкурс проводится с целью выбора лучшего проекта по развитию прибрежных территорий реки Сомеш в румынском городе Клуж-Напока. Задача архитекторов – сохранить естественный ландшафт, не навредить природной среде, при этом превратив реку в главную городскую ось, вдоль которой появятся современные общественные пространства, отвечающие потребностям горожан.
The design competition promoter is the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca, which is the administrator of the objective and the owner of the areas which will be subject to investment, and which will become the beneficiary of the project contracted as a result of this contest.
The organizer of the contest is The Romanian Chamber of Architects through the Transylvanian Territorial Branch, in partnership with The Romanian Chamber of Architects.
The meaning of this contest derives from the need to reconsider the presence of River Someşul Mic in the future development of the city as a result of insufficient recognition of the present uses of the river’s potential for the city, its inhabitants and visitors.
The specific complexity implied by the relationship of the city with the “Someş of the future” in a long-term perspective determined the initiation to organize this competition aimed at valuing the benefits that this river brings to the city by conceptual reshaping of the waterfront, highlighting its landscape and ecological value and, at the same time, identifying the vocation of this natural city axis to transform the public spaces which it crosses by developing specific functions in the neighborhood of the watercourse.
Following this contest, the promoter will contract the development of PIDU Someşul Mic and complete design services for the two areas proposed for detailing with the winning team.