В этом конкурсе студенты младших и старших курсов состязаются в отдельных категориях. Задание для первых – спроектировать арт-галерею, где могут одновременно выставляться работы семи художников. Задание для старшекурсников более масштабное: спроектировать арт-резиденцию, где будут располагаться коттеджи-студии, галерея, лекторий, библиотека, конференц-зал и другие функциональные объекты. Организаторы просят дать волю воображению и представить по-настоящему нестандартные проекты.
Design project for 1st Year and 2nd Year students. (B.Arch, B.plan, Interior Design, Product design and other design and animation courses)
Design an Art Gallery for an Artist community. The Gallery must be big enough for seven artist to display their work. You have the complete freedom to design the gallery on land, floating in the air, floating on water or even under water.
Design project for 3rd, 4th and 5th Year students. (B.Arch, B.plan, Interior Design, Product design and other design and animation courses)
Design a community for Artists where they make and display their works and conduct workshops. You are free to choose a site anywhere in the world. Just make sure that the size of the site is not less than 10 acres (40475 m2) in area and has good views around it and is set in an interesting natural context.
The activities the artists indulge in are painting, display, conferences, workshops and cultural performance spaces. We want you to have full freedom and design with your wildest imagination without any restriction. We want you experience the true excitement of designing spaces!