A Swiss Room to Showcase Lausanne’s Candidature to organise the 28th UIA Congress
Участникам необходимо спроектировать павильон, который представит Лозанну в качестве кандидата на проведение 28-го Конгресса Международного союза архитекторов в 2023 году. Павильон должен соответствовать теме конгресса – «Архитектура и вода». Проект должен быть экономичным и простым в реализации. Победители получат возможность посетить конгресс этого года, который пройдет в Сеуле, и собственными силами реализовать свою идею.
The challenge posed by this competition is to design a place-object which encapsulates the ideas behind the topic of “Architecture and Water”. It involves creating a place to showcase Lausanne’s Candidature which offers an intuitive approach to the multiple ramifications of this topic. It should, effectively, act as a laboratory of ideas. This place-object must be able to house a table and 4 chairs for discussions, presentation of the candidature, etc. It will be located in the hall of the Convention centre in Seoul.
The Swiss Room must be straightforward, economical and easy to build. It should be robust and not require equipment or a water supply and it should produce a minimum amount of waste. Mains electricity is available. Assembly time should be short – no longer than one day’s work by 3 persons. Material should be locally sourced and economically priced. The Swiss Room will have a lifetime of one week in COEX Exhibition Hall C, 3Fl., Coex Convention and Exhibition Center in Seoul. The space available sizes 4 × 5m.
For further details of this conference, please download Lausanne’s candidature document which outlines this particular topic.