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Natian Cup 2017 - конкурс устойчивого дизайна

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 20.08.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.09.2017
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Китай
  город: Суцянь
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 400 000 юаней; II место - три приза по 100 000 юаней; III место - пять призов по 4000 юаней
  организатор: Suqian Municipal Government
Suqian Planning Bureau
CBC (China Building Centre)
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Natian Cup International Competition for Sustainable Design
  Конкурс проводится с целью выбора лучших решений для создания новых общественных пространств в китайском городе Суцянь. Это могут быть скульптуры, арт-объекты, здания и сооружения, ландшафтные ландшафтные композиции, которые поспособствуют развитию заданной территории, формированию комфортной экологичной среды для горожан. Лучшие идеи могут быть реализованы при участии авторов.
связанные события:
  30.06.2018 - 30.07.2018

Natian Cup 2018 - конкурс инновационного дизайна
The contemporary urban landscape relies largely on the creation and regeneration of public spaces, which then reflect on the beauty of cities. The identity of urban spaces is created through infrastructures, sculptures, buildings, land, vegetation and any element that is capable of representing the essence of place and culture. Pleasant and comfortable urban ecological environment and interesting urban public spaces have undoubtedly become one of the main driving forces of urban development.

First ‘Naian’ Cup International Competition for Sustainable Design was initiated jointly by Suqian Municipal Government, Suqian Planning Bureau, and CBC (China Building Centre). Last year, several urban regeneration projects have taken place in Suqian through utilizing plantation elements from traditional Chinese culture. This year, Suqian Government intends to take the urban projects to the next level.

The competition will be based on Axis between the Luoma Lake and the Santaishan National Park that included the Naian Flower Farm, investigating into the cultural, functional and representation of public spaces. The competition invites projects from both domestic and international studios, designers, artist and students. Proposals should be designs of urban icons, sculptures, landscape art, buildings, installations that are integrated into and responding to the status of development in the selected area. Participants will be able to choose the location and the subject for their proposal. Though there is no limit with the budget for the construction, the design should be constructible. Several winner proposals selected by the jury panel could be built subjecting to the city’s regulation.


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